I n d i v i d u a l M e m b e r s h i p

Image source: Brett Holmes Photography

If you're on this section of the website, chances are you're looking to channel your inner Lasha and throw some weight around. Before we get you there, there are just a few things you'll need to know to get you going.


A membership with the Alberta Weightlifting Association is required to compete in any competitions run through the AWA. Memberships can be purchased at the following link, and keep you eligible until the nearest upcoming May 31, regardless of purchase date (this the AWA competition year reset date).

Event Registration

Once you have your membership, feel free to start registering in competitions. Registration dates will be announced via email once you've purchased a membership. A tentative yearly calendar can also be found in the Events tab.

Volunteer Policy

The last criteria that we'd like you to keep in mind is the volunteer policy, which was put in place to keep costs low and help build the community. Peep the policy in the Athlete Resources tab.